About Me

Myadaggarav is a sophomore, majoring in Economics and Psychology, Lang Scholar, and an Inclusive Excellence Fellow.

She is currently working on the “Inclusion at the Core: A Toolbox for SWAT Student Social Life” project.

She has experience as an FLEX Alumni Coordinator, where she worked on over 50 community projects, demonstrating her commitment to community development. Mya also organized the “WEmpower” project, which focused on women’s empowerment and leadership, highlighting her passion for promoting equality and inclusion.

As part of her role as an Inclusive Excellence Fellow, Mya is working on the “Inclusion at the Core” project, aiming to develop an inclusive toolkit that accommodates a variety of student voices and diverse perspectives at Swarthmore College. Her experience in community project planning and leadership makes her an excellent fit for this initiative. Her dedication to promoting inclusion and diversity on campus and beyond is admirable and will make a positive impact on the Swarthmore community.


I believe that having a growth mindset is crucial for achieving success. It allows us to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and continuously develop our skills and abilities. By being open to new ideas and experiences, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals.

I believe that a thriving and inclusive social life is essential for a fulfilling college experience. At Swarthmore College, I am committed to fostering a sense of community, connection, and belonging for all students. I believe that a diverse range of social events, clubs, and organizations can help facilitate these connections and promote social engagement.


As an IE fellow for Swarthmore College’s “Inclusion at the Core: A Toolbox for SWAT Student Social Life” project, I had the opportunity to work on developing an inclusive toolkit to enhance student social life on campus. My role in the project involved conducting interviews with a diverse group of students to gain insights into their experiences and perspectives regarding student social life.

During my interviews, I discovered that students held diverse opinions and perspectives. It became clear that there were many different factors influencing how students engaged with social events and activities on campus. While some students expressed a desire for more structured programming, others preferred unstructured events that allowed for greater flexibility and creativity. In addition, some students felt that current events and activities did not fully accommodate the needs and preferences of all students, while others felt that social life at Swarthmore was generally inclusive and welcoming.

One of the challenges of the project was finding ways to capture these diverse perspectives in a way that could inform the development of an inclusive toolkit. To address this challenge, I used a combination of focus groups and other innovative ways of acquiring feedback from students. By using a variety of methods to engage with students, I was able to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issues and concerns that students had regarding student social life. Based on the insights gained from these interviews and focus groups, I worked on developing an inclusive toolkit that could better accommodate a variety of student voices and diverse perspectives. This toolkit included a range of recommendations for enhancing both structured and unstructured programming on campus, including improving accessibility and inclusivity, providing more opportunities for student-led events and activities, and creating safe spaces for all members of the community.

In conclusion, working on the “Inclusion at the Core” project was a valuable experience for me. I learned the importance of listening to and understanding the diverse perspectives and needs of students when working to enhance student life. Through my work on the project, I was able to contribute to the development of a more inclusive and welcoming community at Swarthmore College.